▼ src | |
▼ include | |
struct.hpp | Binded struct |
▼ StdFace | |
ChainLattice.cpp | Standard mode for the chain lattice |
FCOrtho.cpp | Standard mode for the face centered orthorhombic lattice |
HoneycombLattice.cpp | Standard mode for the honeycomb lattice |
Kagome.cpp | Standard mode for the kagome lattice |
Ladder.cpp | Standard mode for the Ladder lattice |
Orthorhombic.cpp | Standard mode for the orthorhombic lattice |
Pyrochlore.cpp | Standard mode for the pyrochlore lattice |
SquareLattice.cpp | Standard mode for the tetragonal lattice |
StdFace_main.cpp | Read Input file and write files for Expert mode. Initialize variables. Check parameters |
StdFace_ModelUtil.cpp | Various utility for constructing models |
TriangularLattice.cpp | Standard mode for the triangular lattice |
Wannier90.cpp | Standard mode for wannier90 |
bitcalc.cpp | File for giving functions of treating bits on the target of Hilbert space |
CalcByFullDiag.cpp | |
CalcByLOBPCG.cpp | Functions to perform calculations with the localy optimal block (preconditioned) conjugate gradient method |
CalcByTEM.cpp | File to define functions to calculate expected values by Time evolution method |
CalcByTPQ.cpp | File for givinvg functions of TPQ method |
CalcSpectrum.cpp | File for givinvg functions of calculating spectrum |
CalcSpectrumByBiCG.cpp | File for givinvg functions of calculating spectrum by Lanczos |
CalcSpectrumByFullDiag.cpp | Functions to perform spectrum calculations with the full-diagonalization method |
check.cpp | File for giving a function of calculating size of Hilbert space |
CheckMPI.cpp | Compute total number of electrons, spins |
diagonalcalc.cpp | Calculate diagonal components, i.e. \( H_d |\phi_0> = E_d |\phi_0> \) |
dSFMT.cpp | Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (dSFMT) based on IEEE 754 format |
expec_cisajs.cpp | File for calculation of one body green's function |
expec_cisajscktaltdc.cpp | File for calculating two-body green's functions |
expec_energy_flct.cpp | |
expec_totalspin.cpp | File for calculating total spin |
FileIO.cpp | Functions to open file(s) in output/ directory |
FirstMultiply.cpp | Multiplication \( v_0 = H v_1 \) at the first step for TPQ mode ( \( v_1 \) is the random or inputted vector) |
global.cpp | |
HPhiMain.cpp | |
HPhiTrans.cpp | Check the inputted transfer integrals |
input.cpp | |
lapack_diag.cpp | |
log.cpp | File for defining functions to write log messages |
matrixlapack.cpp | Wrapper for linear algebra operations using lapack |
matrixlapack_magma.cpp | |
matrixscalapack.cpp | File for diagonalization using scalapack with functions for getting indices of global and local array |
mltply.cpp | Multiplying the wavefunction by the Hamiltonian. \( H v_1\) |
mltplyHubbard.cpp | Function for Hubbard Hamitonian |
mltplyHubbardCore.cpp | Functions for Hubbard hamiltonian (Core) |
mltplyMPIHubbard.cpp | Functions for Hubbard Hamiltonian + MPI |
mltplyMPIHubbardCore.cpp | Functions for Hubbar + MPI (Core) |
mltplyMPISpin.cpp | Functions for spin Hamiltonian + MPI |
mltplyMPISpinCore.cpp | Functions for spin Hamiltonian + MPI (Core) |
mltplySpin.cpp | Functions for spin Hamiltonian |
mltplySpinCore.cpp | Functions for spin Hamiltonian (Core) |
Multiply.cpp | File for giving multiplying functions to the wave vectors for TPQ and TE method |
output.cpp | |
output_list.cpp | Output list_1 for canonical ensembles obtained in sz.cpp |
PairEx.cpp | Calculating the pair excited state generated by the pair operator \[ \sum_{i,j, \sigma_1, \sigma_2} h_{i,\sigma_1, j, \sigma_2} c_{i\sigma_1} c_{j\sigma_2} (a_{i\sigma_1} a_{j\sigma_2})\] , where \( c_{i\sigma_1} (a_{i\sigma_1})\) indicates a creation (anti-creation) operator at \(i\)-th site with \( \sigma_1 \) spin |
PairExHubbard.cpp | |
PairExSpin.cpp | |
phys.cpp | File for giving a parent function to calculate physical quantities by full diagonalization method |
readdef.cpp | File to define functions of reading input files |
SingleEx.cpp | Functions to compute singly excited state |
SingleExHubbard.cpp | Functions to compute singly excited state in Hubbard model |
splash.cpp | Print logo mark and version number |
sz.cpp | Generating Hilbert spaces |
time.cpp | |
wrapperMPI.cpp | MPI wrapper for init, finalize, bcast, etc |
xsetmem.cpp | Set size of memories to be needed for calculation |