HPhi++  3.1.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 struct.hppBinded struct
 ChainLattice.cppStandard mode for the chain lattice
 FCOrtho.cppStandard mode for the face centered orthorhombic lattice
 HoneycombLattice.cppStandard mode for the honeycomb lattice
 Kagome.cppStandard mode for the kagome lattice
 Ladder.cppStandard mode for the Ladder lattice
 Orthorhombic.cppStandard mode for the orthorhombic lattice
 Pyrochlore.cppStandard mode for the pyrochlore lattice
 SquareLattice.cppStandard mode for the tetragonal lattice
 StdFace_main.cppRead Input file and write files for Expert mode. Initialize variables. Check parameters
 StdFace_ModelUtil.cppVarious utility for constructing models
 TriangularLattice.cppStandard mode for the triangular lattice
 Wannier90.cppStandard mode for wannier90
 bitcalc.cppFile for giving functions of treating bits on the target of Hilbert space
 CalcByLOBPCG.cppFunctions to perform calculations with the localy optimal block (preconditioned) conjugate gradient method
 CalcByTEM.cppFile to define functions to calculate expected values by Time evolution method
 CalcByTPQ.cppFile for givinvg functions of TPQ method
 CalcSpectrum.cppFile for givinvg functions of calculating spectrum
 CalcSpectrumByBiCG.cppFile for givinvg functions of calculating spectrum by Lanczos
 CalcSpectrumByFullDiag.cppFunctions to perform spectrum calculations with the full-diagonalization method
 check.cppFile for giving a function of calculating size of Hilbert space
 CheckMPI.cppCompute total number of electrons, spins
 diagonalcalc.cppCalculate diagonal components, i.e. \( H_d |\phi_0> = E_d |\phi_0> \)
 dSFMT.cppDouble precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (dSFMT) based on IEEE 754 format
 expec_cisajs.cppFile for calculation of one body green's function
 expec_cisajscktaltdc.cppFile for calculating two-body green's functions
 expec_totalspin.cppFile for calculating total spin
 FileIO.cppFunctions to open file(s) in output/ directory
 FirstMultiply.cppMultiplication \( v_0 = H v_1 \) at the first step for TPQ mode ( \( v_1 \) is the random or inputted vector)
 HPhiTrans.cppCheck the inputted transfer integrals
 log.cppFile for defining functions to write log messages
 matrixlapack.cppWrapper for linear algebra operations using lapack
 matrixscalapack.cppFile for diagonalization using scalapack with functions for getting indices of global and local array
 mltply.cppMultiplying the wavefunction by the Hamiltonian. \( H v_1\)
 mltplyHubbard.cppFunction for Hubbard Hamitonian
 mltplyHubbardCore.cppFunctions for Hubbard hamiltonian (Core)
 mltplyMPIHubbard.cppFunctions for Hubbard Hamiltonian + MPI
 mltplyMPIHubbardCore.cppFunctions for Hubbar + MPI (Core)
 mltplyMPISpin.cppFunctions for spin Hamiltonian + MPI
 mltplyMPISpinCore.cppFunctions for spin Hamiltonian + MPI (Core)
 mltplySpin.cppFunctions for spin Hamiltonian
 mltplySpinCore.cppFunctions for spin Hamiltonian (Core)
 Multiply.cppFile for giving multiplying functions to the wave vectors for TPQ and TE method
 output_list.cppOutput list_1 for canonical ensembles obtained in sz.cpp
 PairEx.cppCalculating the pair excited state generated by the pair operator

\[ \sum_{i,j, \sigma_1, \sigma_2} h_{i,\sigma_1, j, \sigma_2} c_{i\sigma_1} c_{j\sigma_2} (a_{i\sigma_1} a_{j\sigma_2})\]

, where \( c_{i\sigma_1} (a_{i\sigma_1})\) indicates a creation (anti-creation) operator at \(i\)-th site with \( \sigma_1 \) spin

 phys.cppFile for giving a parent function to calculate physical quantities by full diagonalization method
 readdef.cppFile to define functions of reading input files
 SingleEx.cppFunctions to compute singly excited state
 SingleExHubbard.cppFunctions to compute singly excited state in Hubbard model
 splash.cppPrint logo mark and version number
 sz.cppGenerating Hilbert spaces
 wrapperMPI.cppMPI wrapper for init, finalize, bcast, etc
 xsetmem.cppSet size of memories to be needed for calculation