HPhi++  3.1.0
xsetmem.cpp File Reference

Set size of memories to be needed for calculation. More...

#include "Common.hpp"
#include "common/setmemory.hpp"
#include "xsetmem.hpp"
#include "wrapperMPI.hpp"
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


void setmem_HEAD (struct BindStruct *X)
 Set size of memories headers of output files. More...
void setmem_def (struct BindStruct *X, struct BoostList *xBoost)
 Set size of memories for Def and Phys in BindStruct. More...
int setmem_large (struct BindStruct *X)
 Set size of memories for vectors(vg, v0, v1, v2, vec, alpha, beta), lists (list_1, list_2_1, list_2_2, list_Diagonal) and Phys(BindStruct.PhysList) struct in the case of Full Diag mode. More...
int GetlistSize (struct BindStruct *X)
 Set size of lists for the canonical ensemble. More...

Detailed Description

Set size of memories to be needed for calculation.

Takahiro Misawa (The University of Tokyo)
Kazuyoshi Yoshimi (The University of Tokyo)

Definition in file xsetmem.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ GetlistSize()

int GetlistSize ( struct BindStruct X)

Set size of lists for the canonical ensemble.

X[in,out] Give the information for getting the list size and get the lists.
Input: DefineList.iFlgGeneralSpin, DefineList.iCalcModel, DefineList.Nsite, CheckList.sdim, DefineList.Tpow, DefineList.SiteToBit
Output: LargeList.SizeOflist_2_1, LargeList.SizeOflist_2_2, LargeList.SizeOflistjb
Return values
TRUENormally finished
FALSEUnnormally finished
Kazuyoshi Yoshimi

Definition at line 220 of file xsetmem.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, DefineList::iCalcModel, DefineList::iFlgGeneralSpin, BindStruct::Large, DefineList::Nsite, CheckList::sdim, DefineList::SiteToBit, LargeList::SizeOflist_2_1, LargeList::SizeOflist_2_2, LargeList::SizeOflistjb, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by CalcSpectrum(), MakeExcitedList(), and setmem_large().

222  {
223  switch (X->Def.iCalcModel) {
224  case Spin:
225  case Hubbard:
226  case HubbardNConserved:
227  case Kondo:
228  case KondoGC:
229  if (X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin == FALSE) {
230  if (X->Def.iCalcModel == Spin && X->Def.Nsite % 2 == 1) {
231  X->Large.SizeOflist_2_1 = X->Check.sdim * 2 + 2;
232  }
233  else {
234  X->Large.SizeOflist_2_1 = X->Check.sdim + 2;
235  }
236  X->Large.SizeOflist_2_2 = X->Check.sdim + 2;
237  X->Large.SizeOflistjb = X->Check.sdim + 2;
238  }
239  else {//for spin-canonical general spin
240  X->Large.SizeOflist_2_1 = X->Check.sdim + 2;
241  X->Large.SizeOflist_2_2 =
242  X->Def.Tpow[X->Def.Nsite - 1] * X->Def.SiteToBit[X->Def.Nsite - 1] / X->Check.sdim + 2;
243  X->Large.SizeOflistjb =
244  X->Def.Tpow[X->Def.Nsite - 1] * X->Def.SiteToBit[X->Def.Nsite - 1] / X->Check.sdim + 2;
245  }
246  break;
247  default:
248  X->Large.SizeOflistjb = 1;
249  return FALSE;
250  }
251  return TRUE;
252 }
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
struct LargeList Large
Variables for Matrix-Vector product.
Definition: struct.hpp:397
long int SizeOflist_2_1
Size of list_2_1.
Definition: struct.hpp:319
int iFlgGeneralSpin
Flag for the general (Sz/=1/2) spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:86
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:94
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
int iCalcModel
Switch for model. 0:Hubbard, 1:Spin, 2:Kondo, 3:HubbardGC, 4:SpinGC, 5:KondoGC, 6:HubbardNConserved.
Definition: struct.hpp:200
long int SizeOflistjb
Used for computing Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:321
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int sdim
Dimension for Ogata-Lin ???
Definition: struct.hpp:309
long int SizeOflist_2_2
Size of list_2_2.
Definition: struct.hpp:320

◆ setmem_def()

void setmem_def ( struct BindStruct X,
struct BoostList xBoost 

Set size of memories for Def and Phys in BindStruct.

X[in,out] BindStruct to get information of Def and Phys structs.
xBoost[in,out] Struct for Boost mode.

Definition at line 53 of file xsetmem.cpp.

References BoostList::arrayJ, PhysList::charge_real_cor, DefineList::CisAjt, DefineList::CisAjtCkuAlvDC, DefineList::CoulombInter, DefineList::CoulombIntra, BindStruct::Def, DefineList::EDChemi, DefineList::EDGeneralTransfer, DefineList::EDParaChemi, DefineList::EDParaGeneralTransfer, DefineList::EDSpinChemi, DefineList::ExchangeCoupling, DefineList::GeneralTransfer, DefineList::HundCoupling, DefineList::iCalcType, DefineList::InterAll, DefineList::InterAll_Diagonal, DefineList::InterAll_OffDiagonal, BoostList::list_6spin_pair, BoostList::list_6spin_star, PhysList::loc_spin_z, DefineList::LocSpn, DefineList::NCisAjt, DefineList::NCisAjtCkuAlvDC, DefineList::NCoulombInter, DefineList::NCoulombIntra, DefineList::NExchangeCoupling, DefineList::NHundCoupling, DefineList::NInterAll, DefineList::NIsingCoupling, DefineList::NLaser, DefineList::NNPairExcitationOperator, DefineList::NNSingleExcitationOperator, DefineList::NPairExcitationOperator, DefineList::NPairHopping, DefineList::NPairLiftCoupling, DefineList::NSingleExcitationOperator, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NTEChemi, DefineList::NTEInterAll, DefineList::NTEInterAllDiagonal, DefineList::NTEInterAllMax, DefineList::NTEInterAllOffDiagonal, DefineList::NTETimeSteps, DefineList::NTETransfer, DefineList::NTETransferDiagonal, DefineList::NTETransferMax, DefineList::NTransfer, BoostList::num_pivot, BoostList::NumarrayJ, DefineList::OrgTpow, DefineList::PairExcitationOperator, DefineList::PairHopping, DefineList::PairLiftCoupling, DefineList::ParaCoulombInter, DefineList::ParaCoulombIntra, DefineList::ParaExchangeCoupling, DefineList::ParaGeneralTransfer, DefineList::ParaHundCoupling, DefineList::ParaInterAll, DefineList::ParaInterAll_Diagonal, DefineList::ParaInterAll_OffDiagonal, DefineList::ParaLaser, DefineList::ParaPairExcitationOperator, DefineList::ParaPairHopping, DefineList::ParaPairLiftCoupling, DefineList::ParaSingleExcitationOperator, DefineList::ParaTEChemi, DefineList::ParaTEInterAll, DefineList::ParaTEInterAllDiagonal, DefineList::ParaTEInterAllOffDiagonal, DefineList::ParaTETransfer, DefineList::ParaTETransferDiagonal, BindStruct::Phys, BoostList::R0, setmem_large(), DefineList::SingleExcitationOperator, DefineList::SiteToBit, PhysList::spin_real_cor, DefineList::SpinTEChemi, DefineList::TEChemi, DefineList::TEInterAll, DefineList::TEInterAllDiagonal, DefineList::TEInterAllOffDiagonal, DefineList::TETime, DefineList::TETransfer, DefineList::TETransferDiagonal, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by main(), and setmem_HEAD().

56  {
57  X->Def.Tpow = li_1d_allocate(2 * X->Def.Nsite + 2);
58  X->Def.OrgTpow = li_1d_allocate(2 * X->Def.Nsite + 2);
59  X->Def.SiteToBit = li_1d_allocate(X->Def.Nsite + 1);
60  X->Def.LocSpn = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.Nsite);
61  X->Phys.spin_real_cor = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.Nsite * X->Def.Nsite);
62  X->Phys.charge_real_cor = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.Nsite * X->Def.Nsite);
63  X->Phys.loc_spin_z = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.Nsite * X->Def.Nsite);
64  X->Def.EDChemi = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NInterAll + X->Def.NTransfer);
65  X->Def.EDSpinChemi = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NInterAll + X->Def.NTransfer);
66  X->Def.EDParaChemi = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NInterAll + X->Def.NTransfer);
67  X->Def.GeneralTransfer = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer, 4);
68  X->Def.ParaGeneralTransfer = cd_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer);
70  if (X->Def.iCalcType == TimeEvolution) {
71  X->Def.EDGeneralTransfer = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer + X->Def.NTETransferMax, 4);
72  X->Def.EDParaGeneralTransfer = cd_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer + X->Def.NTETransferMax);
73  } else {
74  X->Def.EDGeneralTransfer = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer, 4);
75  X->Def.EDParaGeneralTransfer = cd_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTransfer);
76  }
78  X->Def.CoulombIntra = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NCoulombIntra, 1);
79  X->Def.ParaCoulombIntra = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NCoulombIntra);
80  X->Def.CoulombInter = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NCoulombInter + X->Def.NIsingCoupling, 2);
81  X->Def.ParaCoulombInter = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NCoulombInter + X->Def.NIsingCoupling);
82  X->Def.HundCoupling = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NHundCoupling + X->Def.NIsingCoupling, 2);
83  X->Def.ParaHundCoupling = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NHundCoupling + X->Def.NIsingCoupling);
84  X->Def.PairHopping = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NPairHopping, 2);
85  X->Def.ParaPairHopping = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NPairHopping);
86  X->Def.ExchangeCoupling = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NExchangeCoupling, 2);
87  X->Def.ParaExchangeCoupling = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NExchangeCoupling);
88  X->Def.PairLiftCoupling = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NPairLiftCoupling, 2);
89  X->Def.ParaPairLiftCoupling = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NPairLiftCoupling);
91  X->Def.InterAll = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NInterAll, 8);
92  X->Def.ParaInterAll = cd_1d_allocate(X->Def.NInterAll);
94  X->Def.CisAjt = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NCisAjt, 4);
95  X->Def.CisAjtCkuAlvDC = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NCisAjtCkuAlvDC, 8);
98  X->Def.SingleExcitationOperator = (int***)malloc(sizeof(int**)*X->Def.NNSingleExcitationOperator);
99  X->Def.ParaSingleExcitationOperator = (std::complex<double>**)malloc(
100  sizeof(std::complex<double>*)*X->Def.NNSingleExcitationOperator);
102  X->Def.PairExcitationOperator = (int***)malloc(sizeof(int**)*X->Def.NNPairExcitationOperator);
103  X->Def.ParaPairExcitationOperator = (std::complex<double>**)malloc(
104  sizeof(std::complex<double>*)*X->Def.NNPairExcitationOperator);
106  X->Def.ParaLaser = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NLaser);
108  xBoost->list_6spin_star = i_2d_allocate(xBoost->R0 * xBoost->num_pivot, 7);
109  xBoost->list_6spin_pair = i_3d_allocate(xBoost->R0 * xBoost->num_pivot, 7, 15);
110  xBoost->arrayJ = cd_3d_allocate(xBoost->NumarrayJ, 3, 3);
112  int NInterAllSet;
113  NInterAllSet = (X->Def.iCalcType == TimeEvolution) ? X->Def.NInterAll + X->Def.NTEInterAllMax : X->Def.NInterAll;
114  X->Def.InterAll_OffDiagonal = i_2d_allocate(NInterAllSet, 8);
115  X->Def.ParaInterAll_OffDiagonal = cd_1d_allocate(NInterAllSet);
116  X->Def.InterAll_Diagonal = i_2d_allocate(NInterAllSet, 4);
117  X->Def.ParaInterAll_Diagonal = d_1d_allocate(NInterAllSet);
119  if (X->Def.iCalcType == TimeEvolution) {
120  X->Def.TETime = d_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
121  //Time-dependent Transfer
122  X->Def.NTETransfer = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
123  X->Def.NTETransferDiagonal = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
124  X->Def.TETransfer = i_3d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTETransferMax, 4);
125  X->Def.TETransferDiagonal = i_3d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTETransferMax, 2);
126  X->Def.ParaTETransfer = cd_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTETransferMax);
127  X->Def.ParaTETransferDiagonal = d_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTETransferMax);
128  //Time-dependent InterAll
129  X->Def.NTEInterAll = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
130  X->Def.NTEInterAllDiagonal = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
131  X->Def.TEInterAll = i_3d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax, 8);
132  X->Def.TEInterAllDiagonal = i_3d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax, 4);
133  X->Def.ParaTEInterAll = cd_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
134  X->Def.ParaTEInterAllDiagonal = d_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
135  X->Def.NTEInterAllOffDiagonal = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
136  X->Def.TEInterAllOffDiagonal = i_3d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax, 8);
137  X->Def.ParaTEInterAllOffDiagonal = cd_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
138  //Time-dependent Chemi generated by InterAll diagonal components
139  X->Def.NTEChemi = i_1d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps);
140  X->Def.TEChemi = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
141  X->Def.SpinTEChemi = i_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
142  X->Def.ParaTEChemi = d_2d_allocate(X->Def.NTETimeSteps, X->Def.NTEInterAllMax);
143  }
144 }
int * NTETransferDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:260
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
std::complex< double > * EDParaGeneralTransfer
Value of general transfer integrals by a def file. malloc in setmem_def(). Data Format [DefineList::N...
Definition: struct.hpp:116
std::complex< double > * ParaInterAll
[DefineList::NInterAll] Coupling constant of inter-all term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:166
int *** TEInterAll
Definition: struct.hpp:280
int NCoulombInter
Number of off-site Coulomb interaction.
Definition: struct.hpp:127
std::complex< double > ** ParaTETransfer
Definition: struct.hpp:266
int * EDSpinChemi
Definition: struct.hpp:99
int ** list_6spin_star
Definition: struct.hpp:388
int ** SpinTEChemi
Definition: struct.hpp:297
std::complex< double > ** ParaTEInterAll
Definition: struct.hpp:288
long int * OrgTpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:92
int ** ExchangeCoupling
[DefineList::NExchangeCoupling][2] Index of exchange term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:146
double * ParaInterAll_Diagonal
[DefineList::NInterAll_Diagonal] Coupling constant of diagonal inter-all term. malloc in setmem_def()...
Definition: struct.hpp:168
int NPairLiftCoupling
Number of pair-lift term.
Definition: struct.hpp:153
std::complex< double > ** ParaSingleExcitationOperator
[DefineList::NSingleExcitationOperator] Coefficient of single excitaion operator for spectrum...
Definition: struct.hpp:184
int * NSingleExcitationOperator
Number of single excitaion operator for spectrum.
Definition: struct.hpp:183
int *** TETransferDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:264
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
int NumarrayJ
Definition: struct.hpp:385
double * TETime
Definition: struct.hpp:249
int ** TEChemi
Definition: struct.hpp:295
int * LocSpn
[DefineList::NLocSpn] Flag (and size) of the local spin. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:82
int ** CisAjtCkuAlvDC
[DefineList::NCisAjtCkuAlvDC][4] Indices of two-body correlation function. malloc in setmem_def()...
Definition: struct.hpp:177
int ** EDGeneralTransfer
Index of transfer integrals for calculation. malloc in setmem_def(). Data Format [DefineList::NTransf...
Definition: struct.hpp:110
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
int * NPairExcitationOperator
Number of pair excitaion operator for spectrum.
Definition: struct.hpp:190
int *** list_6spin_pair
Definition: struct.hpp:389
int * NTEChemi
Definition: struct.hpp:296
double * ParaLaser
Definition: struct.hpp:253
double ** ParaTEChemi
Definition: struct.hpp:298
int NHundCoupling
Number of Hund coupling.
Definition: struct.hpp:133
int NIsingCoupling
Number of Ising term.
Definition: struct.hpp:151
std::complex< double > ** ParaPairExcitationOperator
[DefineList::NPairExcitationOperator] Coefficient of pair excitaion operator for spectrum. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:191
int NInterAll
Total Number of Interacted quartet.
Definition: struct.hpp:163
int ** InterAll_OffDiagonal
[DefineList::NinterAll_OffDiagonal][8] Interacted quartet
Definition: struct.hpp:161
int ** InterAll_Diagonal
[DefineList::NinterAll_Diagonal][4] Interacted quartet
Definition: struct.hpp:162
double * loc_spin_z
Malloc, but Not used ???
Definition: struct.hpp:372
int ** GeneralTransfer
Index of transfer integrals obtained by a def file. malloc in setmem_def(). Data Format [DefineList::...
Definition: struct.hpp:106
int * NTEInterAllOffDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:275
int ** PairHopping
[DefineList::NPairHopping][2] Index of pair-hopping. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:140
double ** ParaTETransferDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:268
int NNSingleExcitationOperator
Number of single excitaion operator for spectrum.
Definition: struct.hpp:182
int ** PairLiftCoupling
[DefineList::NPairHopping][2] Index of pair-lift term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:154
int ** HundCoupling
[DefineList::NHundCoupling][2] Index of Hund coupling. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:134
int * NTEInterAll
Definition: struct.hpp:273
int NCisAjt
Number of indices of two-body correlation function.
Definition: struct.hpp:175
double * ParaExchangeCoupling
[DefineList::NExchangeCoupling] Coupling constant of exchange term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:148
double * ParaCoulombInter
[DefineList::NCoulombInter]Coupling constant of off-site Coulomb interaction. malloc in setmem_def()...
Definition: struct.hpp:130
int NLaser
Definition: struct.hpp:252
double * ParaPairLiftCoupling
[DefineList::NPairHopping] Coupling constant of pair-lift term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:156
int * NTETransfer
Definition: struct.hpp:258
int ** CoulombInter
Definition: struct.hpp:128
double * EDParaChemi
[DefineList::Nsite] On-site potential parameter. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:100
int NExchangeCoupling
Number of exchange term.
Definition: struct.hpp:145
int * NTEInterAllDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:278
int *** TETransfer
Definition: struct.hpp:262
std::complex< double > * ParaInterAll_OffDiagonal
[DefineList::NInterAll_OffDiagonal] Coupling constant of off-diagonal inter-all term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:170
int NTransfer
Number of transfer integrals obtained by a def file.
Definition: struct.hpp:104
int NTETransferMax
Definition: struct.hpp:257
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:94
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
int ** CisAjt
[DefineList::NCisAjt][4] Indices of one-body correlation function. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:174
double ** ParaTEInterAllDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:293
double * ParaPairHopping
[DefineList::NPairHopping] Coupling constant of pair-hopping term. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:142
int ** CoulombIntra
Definition: struct.hpp:122
long int num_pivot
Definition: struct.hpp:383
double * charge_real_cor
Malloc, but Not used ???
Definition: struct.hpp:371
double * ParaHundCoupling
[DefineList::NHundCoupling] Hund coupling constant. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:136
std::complex< double > * ParaGeneralTransfer
Value of general transfer integrals by a def file. malloc in setmem_def(). Data Format [DefineList::N...
Definition: struct.hpp:113
int NPairHopping
Number of pair-hopping term.
Definition: struct.hpp:139
int NCoulombIntra
Definition: struct.hpp:121
int NTETimeSteps
Definition: struct.hpp:248
double * spin_real_cor
Malloc, but Not used ???
Definition: struct.hpp:370
long int R0
Definition: struct.hpp:381
int *** TEInterAllOffDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:283
double * ParaCoulombIntra
Definition: struct.hpp:124
int *** TEInterAllDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:286
int ** InterAll
[DefineList::NinterAll][8] Interacted quartet
Definition: struct.hpp:160
int * EDChemi
[DefineList::Nsite] Chemical potential. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:98
std::complex< double > *** arrayJ
Definition: struct.hpp:386
int NNPairExcitationOperator
Number of pair excitaion operator for spectrum.
Definition: struct.hpp:189
int NCisAjtCkuAlvDC
Number of indices of two-body correlation function.
Definition: struct.hpp:178
int *** SingleExcitationOperator
[DefineList::NSingleExcitationOperator][3] Indices of single excitaion operator for spectrum...
Definition: struct.hpp:180
int *** PairExcitationOperator
[DefineList::NPairExcitationOperator][5] Indices of pair excitaion operator for spectrum. malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:187
int NTEInterAllMax
Definition: struct.hpp:272
std::complex< double > ** ParaTEInterAllOffDiagonal
Definition: struct.hpp:290
int iCalcType
Switch for calculation type. 0:Lanczos, 1:TPQCalc, 2:FullDiag.
Definition: struct.hpp:194

◆ setmem_HEAD()

void setmem_HEAD ( struct BindStruct X)

Set size of memories headers of output files.

X[out] BindStruct to get headers of files.
Output: CDataFileHead, CParaFileHead

Definition at line 39 of file xsetmem.cpp.

References DefineList::CDataFileHead, DefineList::CParaFileHead, BindStruct::Def, and setmem_def().

Referenced by main().

42 {
43  X->Def.CDataFileHead = (char*)malloc(D_FileNameMax*sizeof(char));
44  X->Def.CParaFileHead = (char*)malloc(D_FileNameMax*sizeof(char));
45 }
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
char * CParaFileHead
Read from Calcmod in readdef.h. It is not used. Just for the compatibility to mVMC.
Definition: struct.hpp:44
char * CDataFileHead
Read from Calcmod in readdef.h. Header of output file such as Green&#39;s function.
Definition: struct.hpp:42

◆ setmem_large()

int setmem_large ( struct BindStruct X)

Set size of memories for vectors(vg, v0, v1, v2, vec, alpha, beta), lists (list_1, list_2_1, list_2_2, list_Diagonal) and Phys(BindStruct.PhysList) struct in the case of Full Diag mode.

X[in,out] BindStruct to give information and give size of memories for Hamiltonian, vectors, lists and Phys struct in the case of Full Diag mode.
Return values
-1Fail to set memories.
0Normal to set memories.

Definition at line 154 of file xsetmem.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, PhysList::energy, GetlistSize(), DefineList::iCalcType, CheckList::idim_max, DefineList::k_exct, BindStruct::Large, list_1, list_1buf, list_2_1, list_2_2, list_Diagonal, MaxMPI_li(), PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, NumAve, BindStruct::Phys, PhysList::s2, LargeList::SizeOflist_2_1, LargeList::SizeOflist_2_2, stdoutMPI, PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, v0, v1, v1buf, and PhysList::var.

Referenced by main(), MakeExcitedList(), and setmem_def().

156  {
157  int nstate;
159  if (GetlistSize(X) == TRUE) {
160  list_1 = li_1d_allocate(X->Check.idim_max + 1);
161  list_2_1 = li_1d_allocate(X->Large.SizeOflist_2_1);
162  list_2_2 = li_1d_allocate(X->Large.SizeOflist_2_2);
163  if (list_1 == NULL
164  || list_2_1 == NULL
165  || list_2_2 == NULL
166  ) {
167  return -1;
168  }
169  }
171  list_Diagonal = d_1d_allocate(X->Check.idim_max + 1);
173  if (X->Def.iCalcType == FullDiag) {
174  nstate = X->Check.idim_max;
175  }
176  else if (X->Def.iCalcType == CG) {
177  nstate = X->Def.k_exct;
178  }
179  else if (X->Def.iCalcType == TPQCalc) {
180  nstate = NumAve;
181  }
182  else {
183  nstate = 1;
184  }
185  v0 = cd_2d_allocate(X->Check.idim_max + 1, nstate);
186  v1 = cd_2d_allocate(X->Check.idim_max + 1, nstate);
187 #ifdef __MPI
188  long int MAXidim_max;
189  MAXidim_max = MaxMPI_li(X->Check.idim_max);
190  if (GetlistSize(X) == TRUE) list_1buf = li_1d_allocate(MAXidim_max + 1);
191  v1buf = cd_2d_allocate(MAXidim_max + 1, nstate);
192 #else
193  if (X->Def.iCalcType == CG) v1buf = cd_2d_allocate(X->Check.idim_max + 1, nstate);
194 #endif // MPI
196  X->Phys.num_down = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
197  X->Phys.num_up = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
198  X->Phys.num = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
199  X->Phys.num2 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
200  X->Phys.energy = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
201  X->Phys.var = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
202  X->Phys.doublon = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
203  X->Phys.doublon2 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
204  X->Phys.Sz = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
205  X->Phys.Sz2 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
206  X->Phys.s2 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
208  fprintf(stdoutMPI, "%s", "\n###### LARGE ALLOCATE FINISH ! ######\n\n");
209  return 0;
210 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
double * var
Expectation value of the Energy variance.
Definition: struct.hpp:367
FILE * stdoutMPI
File pointer to the standard output defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:75
long int * list_2_1
Definition: global.cpp:27
long int * list_2_2
Definition: global.cpp:28
std::complex< double > ** v1buf
Definition: global.cpp:22
int NumAve
Definition: global.cpp:43
std::complex< double > ** v0
Definition: global.cpp:20
double * s2
Expectation value of the square of the total S.
Definition: struct.hpp:365
struct LargeList Large
Variables for Matrix-Vector product.
Definition: struct.hpp:397
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
long int SizeOflist_2_1
Size of list_2_1.
Definition: struct.hpp:319
long int MaxMPI_li(long int idim)
MPI wrapper function to obtain maximum unsigned long integer across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:171
std::complex< double > ** v1
Definition: global.cpp:21
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
long int * list_1buf
Definition: global.cpp:26
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
double * energy
Expectation value of the total energy.
Definition: struct.hpp:356
double * list_Diagonal
Definition: global.cpp:24
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
int GetlistSize(struct BindStruct *X)
Set size of lists for the canonical ensemble.
Definition: xsetmem.cpp:220
int k_exct
Read from Calcmod in readdef.h.
Definition: struct.hpp:47
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int * list_1
Definition: global.cpp:25
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305
long int SizeOflist_2_2
Size of list_2_2.
Definition: struct.hpp:320
int iCalcType
Switch for calculation type. 0:Lanczos, 1:TPQCalc, 2:FullDiag.
Definition: struct.hpp:194