HPhi++  3.1.0
expec_energy_flct.cpp File Reference
#include "bitcalc.hpp"
#include "mltplyCommon.hpp"
#include "mltply.hpp"
#include "expec_energy_flct.hpp"
#include "wrapperMPI.hpp"
#include "CalcTime.hpp"
#include "common/setmemory.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


int expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard GC model. More...
int expec_energy_flct_Hubbard (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard model. More...
int expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Half-SpinGC model. More...
int expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for General-SpinGC model. More...
int expec_energy_flct_HalfSpin (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Half-Spin model. More...
int expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpin (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
 Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for General-Spin model. More...
int expec_energy_flct (struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0, std::complex< double > **tmp_v1)
 Parent function to calculate expected values of energy and physical quantities. More...

Function Documentation

◆ expec_energy_flct()

int expec_energy_flct ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v1 

Parent function to calculate expected values of energy and physical quantities.

X[in,out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type, physical quantities.
Takahiro Misawa (The University of Tokyo)
Kazuyoshi Yoshimi (The University of Tokyo)
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 716 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, PhysList::energy, expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC(), expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC(), expec_energy_flct_Hubbard(), expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC(), GetSplitBitByModel(), LargeList::i_max, DefineList::iCalcModel, DefineList::iCalcType, CheckList::idim_max, DefineList::iFlgGeneralSpin, LargeList::ihfbit, LargeList::ilft, LargeList::irght, BindStruct::Large, mltply(), LargeList::mode, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, BindStruct::Phys, StartTimer(), stdoutMPI, step_i, StopTimer(), SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, TimeKeeperWithStep(), DefineList::Total2SzMPI, and PhysList::var.

Referenced by CalcByTEM(), CalcByTPQ(), and phys().

721  {
723  long int i, j;
724  long int irght, ilft, ihfbit;
725  long int i_max;
726  int istate;
728  switch (X->Def.iCalcType) {
729  case TPQCalc:
730  case TimeEvolution:
731 #ifdef _DEBUG
732  fprintf(stdoutMPI, "%s", " Start: Calculate Energy.\n");
733  TimeKeeperWithStep(X, "%s_TimeKeeper.dat", "step %d: Calculate energy begins: %s", "a", step_i);
734 #endif
735  break;
736  case FullDiag:
737  case CG:
738  break;
739  default:
740  return -1;
741  }
743  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
744  if (GetSplitBitByModel(X->Def.Nsite, X->Def.iCalcModel, &irght, &ilft, &ihfbit) != 0) {
745  return -1;
746  }
748  X->Large.i_max = i_max;
749  X->Large.irght = irght;
750  X->Large.ilft = ilft;
751  X->Large.ihfbit = ihfbit;
752  X->Large.mode = M_ENERGY;
753  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) X->Phys.energy[istate] = 0.0;
755  int nCalcFlct;
756  if (X->Def.iCalcType == TPQCalc) {
757  nCalcFlct = 3201;
758  }
759  else {//For FullDiag
760  nCalcFlct = 5301;
761  }
762  StartTimer(nCalcFlct);
764  switch (X->Def.iCalcModel) {
765  case HubbardGC:
766  expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC(X, nstate, tmp_v0);
767  break;
768  case KondoGC:
769  case Hubbard:
770  case Kondo:
771  expec_energy_flct_Hubbard(X, nstate, tmp_v0);
772  break;
774  case SpinGC:
775  if (X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin == FALSE) {
776  expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC(X, nstate, tmp_v0);
777  }
778  else {//for generalspin
779  expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC(X, nstate, tmp_v0);
780  }
781  break;/*case SpinGC*/
782  /* SpinGCBoost */
783  case Spin:
784  /*
785  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin == FALSE){
786  expec_energy_flct_HalfSpin(X);
787  }
788  else{
789  expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpin(X);
790  }
791  */
792  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
793  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
794  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
795  X->Phys.num[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI;
796  X->Phys.num2[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI*X->Def.NsiteMPI;
797  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.5 * (double)X->Def.Total2SzMPI;
798  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = X->Phys.Sz[istate] * X->Phys.Sz[istate];
799  }
800  break;
801  default:
802  return -1;
803  }
805  StopTimer(nCalcFlct);
807 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(i,istate) \
808 shared(tmp_v1,tmp_v0,nstate) firstprivate(i_max)
809  for (i = 1; i <= i_max; i++) {
810  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
811  tmp_v1[i][istate] = tmp_v0[i][istate];
812  tmp_v0[i][istate] = 0.0;
813  }
814  }
816  int nCalcExpec;
817  if (X->Def.iCalcType == TPQCalc) {
818  nCalcExpec = 3202;
819  }
820  else {//For FullDiag
821  nCalcExpec = 5302;
822  }
823  StartTimer(nCalcExpec);
824  mltply(X, nstate, tmp_v0, tmp_v1); // v0+=H*v1
825  StopTimer(nCalcExpec);
826  /* switch -> SpinGCBoost */
828  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
829  X->Phys.energy[istate] = 0.0;
830  X->Phys.var[istate] = 0.0;
831  }
832  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
833  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
834  X->Phys.energy[istate] += real(conj(tmp_v1[j][istate])*tmp_v0[j][istate]); // E = <v1|H|v1>=<v1|v0>
835  X->Phys.var[istate] += real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate])*tmp_v0[j][istate]); // E^2 = <v1|H*H|v1>=<v0|v0>
836  }
837  }
838  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.energy);
839  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.var);
841  switch (X->Def.iCalcType) {
842  case TPQCalc:
843  case TimeEvolution:
844 #ifdef _DEBUG
845  fprintf(stdoutMPI, "%s", " End : Calculate Energy.\n");
846  TimeKeeperWithStep(X, "%s_TimeKeeper.dat", "step %d: Calculate energy finishes: %s", "a", step_i);
847 #endif
848  break;
849  default:
850  break;
851  }
852  return 0;
853 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * var
Expectation value of the Energy variance.
Definition: struct.hpp:367
FILE * stdoutMPI
File pointer to the standard output defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:75
int GetSplitBitByModel(const int Nsite, const int iCalcModel, long int *irght, long int *ilft, long int *ihfbit)
function of splitting original bit into right and left spaces.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:78
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
int TimeKeeperWithStep(struct BindStruct *X, const char *cFileName, const char *cTimeKeeper_Message, const char *cWriteType, const int istep)
Functions for writing a time log.
Definition: log.cpp:78
int mltply(struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0, std::complex< double > **tmp_v1)
Parent function of multiplying the wavefunction by the Hamiltonian. . First, the calculation of diago...
Definition: mltply.cpp:56
struct LargeList Large
Variables for Matrix-Vector product.
Definition: struct.hpp:397
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
int mode
multiply or expectation value.
Definition: struct.hpp:331
long int irght
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
Definition: struct.hpp:344
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int expec_energy_flct_Hubbard(struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard model.
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
long int ilft
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
Definition: struct.hpp:345
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
long int ihfbit
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
Definition: struct.hpp:346
long int i_max
Length of eigenvector.
Definition: struct.hpp:318
double * energy
Expectation value of the total energy.
Definition: struct.hpp:356
int step_i
Definition: global.cpp:44
int expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC(struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for General-SpinGC model.
int expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC(struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard GC model.
int iFlgGeneralSpin
Flag for the general (Sz/=1/2) spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:86
void StopTimer(int n)
function for calculating elapse time [elapse time=StartTimer-StopTimer]
Definition: time.cpp:83
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
int expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC(struct BindStruct *X, int nstate, std::complex< double > **tmp_v0)
Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Half-SpinGC model.
int iCalcModel
Switch for model. 0:Hubbard, 1:Spin, 2:Kondo, 3:HubbardGC, 4:SpinGC, 5:KondoGC, 6:HubbardNConserved.
Definition: struct.hpp:200
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305
int Total2SzMPI
Total across processes.
Definition: struct.hpp:70
int iCalcType
Switch for calculation type. 0:Lanczos, 1:TPQCalc, 2:FullDiag.
Definition: struct.hpp:194
void StartTimer(int n)
function for initializing elapse time [start]
Definition: time.cpp:71

◆ expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpin()

int expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpin ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for General-Spin model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 632 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, GetLocal2Sz(), CheckList::idim_max, list_1, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, DefineList::SiteToBit, SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

636  {
637  long int j;
638  long int isite1;
639  int istate, mythread;
640  double Sz;
641  double *tmp_v02;
642  long int i_max, tmp_list1;
643  double **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
645  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
646  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
647  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
649 #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(tmp_v0, list_1,Sz_t,Sz2_t,nstate) \
650 firstprivate(i_max,X,myrank) private(j,Sz,isite1,tmp_v02, tmp_list1,istate,mythread)
651  {
652  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
653 #ifdef _OPENMP
654  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
655 #else
656  mythread = 0;
657 #endif
658 #pragma omp for
659  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
660  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++)
661  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
662  Sz = 0.0;
663  tmp_list1 = list_1[j];
664  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
665  //prefactor 0.5 is added later.
666  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
667  Sz += GetLocal2Sz(isite1, myrank, X->Def.SiteToBit, X->Def.Tpow);
668  }
669  else {
670  Sz += GetLocal2Sz(isite1, tmp_list1, X->Def.SiteToBit, X->Def.Tpow);
671  }
672  }
673  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
674  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
675  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
676  }
677  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
678  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
679  }/*End of parallel region*/
680  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
681  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
682  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
683  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
684  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
685  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
686  }
687  }
688  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
689  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
691  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
692  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
693  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
694  X->Phys.num[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI;
695  X->Phys.num2[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI*X->Def.NsiteMPI;
696  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
697  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
698  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
699  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
700  }
702  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
703  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
704  return 0;
705 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
int GetLocal2Sz(const int isite, const long int org_bit, const long int *SiteToBit, const long int *Tpow)
get 2sz at a site for general spin
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:448
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:94
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int * list_1
Definition: global.cpp:25
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305

◆ expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC()

int expec_energy_flct_GeneralSpinGC ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for General-SpinGC model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 450 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, GetLocal2Sz(), CheckList::idim_max, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, DefineList::SiteToBit, SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by expec_energy_flct().

454  {
455  long int j;
456  long int isite1;
457  int istate, mythread;
458  double Sz;
459  double *tmp_v02;
460  long int i_max;
461  double **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
463  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
464  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
465  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
467 #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
468 shared(i_max,nstate,X,myrank,Sz_t,Sz2_t,tmp_v0) \
469 private(j,istate,tmp_v02,Sz,isite1,mythread)
470  {
471  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
472 #ifdef _OPENMP
473  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
474 #else
475  mythread = 0;
476 #endif
477 #pragma omp for
478  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
479  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) \
480  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
481  Sz = 0.0;
482  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
483  //prefactor 0.5 is added later.
484  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
485  Sz += GetLocal2Sz(isite1, myrank, X->Def.SiteToBit, X->Def.Tpow);
486  }
487  else {
488  Sz += GetLocal2Sz(isite1, j - 1, X->Def.SiteToBit, X->Def.Tpow);
489  }
490  }
491  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
492  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
493  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
494  }
495  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
496  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
497  }/*End of parallel region*/
498  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
499  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
500  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
501  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
502  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
503  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
504  }
505  }
506  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
507  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
509  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
510  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
511  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
512  X->Phys.num[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI;
513  X->Phys.num2[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI*X->Def.NsiteMPI;
514  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
515  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
516  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
517  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
518  }
520  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
521  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
522  return 0;
523 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
int GetLocal2Sz(const int isite, const long int org_bit, const long int *SiteToBit, const long int *Tpow)
get 2sz at a site for general spin
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:448
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:94
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305

◆ expec_energy_flct_HalfSpin()

int expec_energy_flct_HalfSpin ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Half-Spin model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 529 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, CheckList::idim_max, list_1, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, pop(), SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

533  {
534  long int j;
535  long int isite1;
536  long int is1_up_a, is1_up_b;
538  long int ibit1;
539  double Sz;
540  double *tmp_v02;
541  long int i_max, tmp_list_1;
542  int l_ibit1, u_ibit1, i_32;
543  int istate, mythread;
544  double **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
546  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
547  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
548  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
549  i_32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; //2^32 - 1
551  //[s] for bit count
552  is1_up_a = 0;
553  is1_up_b = 0;
554  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
555  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
556  is1_up_a += X->Def.Tpow[isite1 - 1];
557  }
558  else {
559  is1_up_b += X->Def.Tpow[isite1 - 1];
560  }
561  }
562  //[e]
563 #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(tmp_v0, list_1,Sz_t,Sz2_t,nstate) \
564 firstprivate(i_max,X,myrank,i_32,is1_up_a,is1_up_b) \
565 private(j,Sz,ibit1,isite1,tmp_v02,u_ibit1,l_ibit1, tmp_list_1,mythread,istate)
566  {
567  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
568 #ifdef _OPENMP
569  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
570 #else
571  mythread = 0;
572 #endif
573 #pragma omp for
574  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
575  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) \
576  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
577  Sz = 0.0;
578  tmp_list_1 = list_1[j];
580  // isite1 > X->Def.Nsite
581  ibit1 = (long int) myrank & is1_up_a;
582  u_ibit1 = ibit1 >> 32;
583  l_ibit1 = ibit1 & i_32;
584  Sz += pop(u_ibit1);
585  Sz += pop(l_ibit1);
586  // isite1 <= X->Def.Nsite
587  ibit1 = (long int) tmp_list_1 &is1_up_b;
588  u_ibit1 = ibit1 >> 32;
589  l_ibit1 = ibit1 & i_32;
590  Sz += pop(u_ibit1);
591  Sz += pop(l_ibit1);
592  Sz = 2 * Sz - X->Def.NsiteMPI;
594  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
595  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
596  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
597  }
598  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
599  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
600  }/*End of parallel region*/
601  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
602  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
603  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
604  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
605  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
606  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
607  }
608  }
609  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
610  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
612  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
613  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
614  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
615  X->Phys.num[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI;
616  X->Phys.num2[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI*X->Def.NsiteMPI;
617  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
618  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
619  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
620  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
621  }
623  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
624  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
625  return 0;
626 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int pop(int x)
calculating number of 1-bits in x (32 bit) This method is introduced in S.H. Warren, Hacker’s Delight, second ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0321842685, 2012.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:491
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int * list_1
Definition: global.cpp:25
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305

◆ expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC()

int expec_energy_flct_HalfSpinGC ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Half-SpinGC model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 347 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, CheckList::idim_max, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, pop(), SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by expec_energy_flct().

351  {
352  long int j;
353  long int isite1;
354  long int is1_up_a, is1_up_b;
356  long int ibit1;
357  double Sz;
358  double *tmp_v02;
359  long int i_max;
360  int l_ibit1, u_ibit1, i_32;
361  int istate, mythread;
362  double **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
364  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
366  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
367  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
368  i_32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; //2^32 - 1
370  //[s] for bit count
371  is1_up_a = 0;
372  is1_up_b = 0;
373  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
374  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
375  is1_up_a += X->Def.Tpow[isite1 - 1];
376  }
377  else {
378  is1_up_b += X->Def.Tpow[isite1 - 1];
379  }
380  }
381  //[e]
382 #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(tmp_v0,Sz_t,Sz2_t,nstate) \
383 firstprivate(i_max,X,myrank,i_32,is1_up_a,is1_up_b) \
384 private(j,Sz,ibit1,isite1,tmp_v02,u_ibit1,l_ibit1,mythread,istate)
385  {
386  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
387 #ifdef _OPENMP
388  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
389 #else
390  mythread = 0;
391 #endif
392 #pragma omp for
393  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
394  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++)
395  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
396  Sz = 0.0;
398  // isite1 > X->Def.Nsite
399  ibit1 = (long int) myrank & is1_up_a;
400  u_ibit1 = ibit1 >> 32;
401  l_ibit1 = ibit1 & i_32;
402  Sz += pop(u_ibit1);
403  Sz += pop(l_ibit1);
404  // isite1 <= X->Def.Nsite
405  ibit1 = (long int) (j - 1)&is1_up_b;
406  u_ibit1 = ibit1 >> 32;
407  l_ibit1 = ibit1 & i_32;
408  Sz += pop(u_ibit1);
409  Sz += pop(l_ibit1);
410  Sz = 2 * Sz - X->Def.NsiteMPI;
412  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
413  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
414  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
415  }
416  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
417  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
418  }/*End of parallel region*/
419  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
420  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
421  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
422  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
423  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
424  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
425  }
426  }
427  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
428  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
430  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
431  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
432  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
433  X->Phys.num[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI;
434  X->Phys.num2[istate] = X->Def.NsiteMPI*X->Def.NsiteMPI;
435  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
436  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
437  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
438  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
439  }
441  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
442  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
443  return 0;
444 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int pop(int x)
calculating number of 1-bits in x (32 bit) This method is introduced in S.H. Warren, Hacker’s Delight, second ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0321842685, 2012.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:491
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305

◆ expec_energy_flct_Hubbard()

int expec_energy_flct_Hubbard ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 187 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, CheckList::idim_max, list_1, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, pop(), SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by expec_energy_flct().

191  {
192  long int j;
193  long int isite1;
194  long int is1_up_a, is1_up_b;
195  long int is1_down_a, is1_down_b;
196  int bit_up, bit_down, bit_D, istate, mythread;
197  long int ibit_up, ibit_down, ibit_D;
198  double **doublon_t, **doublon2_t, **num_t, **num2_t, **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
199  double D, N, Sz;
200  double *tmp_v02;
201  long int i_max, tmp_list_1;
202  int l_ibit1, u_ibit1, i_32;
204  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
206  doublon_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
207  doublon2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
208  num_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
209  num2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
210  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
211  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
212  i_32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
214  //[s] for bit count
215  is1_up_a = 0;
216  is1_up_b = 0;
217  is1_down_a = 0;
218  is1_down_b = 0;
219  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
220  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
221  is1_up_a += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 2];
222  is1_down_a += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 1];
223  }
224  else {
225  is1_up_b += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 2];
226  is1_down_b += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 1];
227  }
228  }
229  //[e]
230 #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
231 shared(tmp_v0,list_1,doublon_t,doublon2_t,num_t,num2_t,Sz_t,Sz2_t,nstate) \
232 firstprivate(i_max, X,myrank,is1_up_a,is1_down_a,is1_up_b,is1_down_b,i_32) \
233 private(j,tmp_v02,D,N,Sz,isite1,tmp_list_1,bit_up,bit_down,bit_D,u_ibit1, \
234  l_ibit1,ibit_up,ibit_down,ibit_D,mythread,istate)
235  {
236  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
237 #ifdef _OPENMP
238  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
239 #else
240  mythread = 0;
241 #endif
242 #pragma omp for
243  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
244  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++)
245  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
246  bit_up = 0;
247  bit_down = 0;
248  bit_D = 0;
249  tmp_list_1 = list_1[j];
250  // isite1 > X->Def.Nsite
251  ibit_up = (long int) myrank & is1_up_a;
252  u_ibit1 = ibit_up >> 32;
253  l_ibit1 = ibit_up & i_32;
254  bit_up += pop(u_ibit1);
255  bit_up += pop(l_ibit1);
257  ibit_down = (long int) myrank & is1_down_a;
258  u_ibit1 = ibit_down >> 32;
259  l_ibit1 = ibit_down & i_32;
260  bit_down += pop(u_ibit1);
261  bit_down += pop(l_ibit1);
263  ibit_D = (ibit_up) & (ibit_down >> 1);
264  u_ibit1 = ibit_D >> 32;
265  l_ibit1 = ibit_D & i_32;
266  bit_D += pop(u_ibit1);
267  bit_D += pop(l_ibit1);
269  // isite1 <= X->Def.Nsite
270  ibit_up = (long int) tmp_list_1 & is1_up_b;
271  u_ibit1 = ibit_up >> 32;
272  l_ibit1 = ibit_up & i_32;
273  bit_up += pop(u_ibit1);
274  bit_up += pop(l_ibit1);
276  ibit_down = (long int) tmp_list_1 & is1_down_b;
277  u_ibit1 = ibit_down >> 32;
278  l_ibit1 = ibit_down & i_32;
279  bit_down += pop(u_ibit1);
280  bit_down += pop(l_ibit1);
282  ibit_D = (ibit_up) & (ibit_down >> 1);
283  u_ibit1 = ibit_D >> 32;
284  l_ibit1 = ibit_D & i_32;
285  bit_D += pop(u_ibit1);
286  bit_D += pop(l_ibit1);
288  D = bit_D;
289  N = bit_up + bit_down;
290  Sz = bit_up - bit_down;
292  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
293  doublon_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * D;
294  doublon2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * D * D;
295  num_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * N;
296  num2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * N * N;
297  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
298  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
299  }
300  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
301  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
302  }/*end of parallel region*/
304  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
305  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
306  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
307  X->Phys.num[istate] = 0.0;
308  X->Phys.num2[istate] = 0.0;
309  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
310  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
311  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
312  X->Phys.doublon[istate] += doublon_t[mythread][istate];
313  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] += doublon2_t[mythread][istate];
314  X->Phys.num[istate] += num_t[mythread][istate];
315  X->Phys.num2[istate] += num2_t[mythread][istate];
316  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
317  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
318  }
319  }
320  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.doublon);
321  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.doublon2);
322  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.num);
323  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.num2);
324  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
325  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
327  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
328  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
329  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
330  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
331  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
332  }
334  free_d_2d_allocate(doublon_t);
335  free_d_2d_allocate(doublon2_t);
336  free_d_2d_allocate(num_t);
337  free_d_2d_allocate(num2_t);
338  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
339  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
340  return 0;
341 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int pop(int x)
calculating number of 1-bits in x (32 bit) This method is introduced in S.H. Warren, Hacker’s Delight, second ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0321842685, 2012.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:491
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int * list_1
Definition: global.cpp:25
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305

◆ expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC()

int expec_energy_flct_HubbardGC ( struct BindStruct X,
int  nstate,
std::complex< double > **  tmp_v0 

Calculate expected values of energies and physical quantities for Hubbard GC model.

X[in, out] X Struct to get information about file header names, dimension of hirbert space, calc type and output physical quantities.
Return values
0normally finished.
-1abnormally finished.

Definition at line 29 of file expec_energy_flct.cpp.

References BindStruct::Check, BindStruct::Def, PhysList::doublon, PhysList::doublon2, CheckList::idim_max, myrank, DefineList::Nsite, DefineList::NsiteMPI, nthreads, PhysList::num, PhysList::num2, PhysList::num_down, PhysList::num_up, BindStruct::Phys, pop(), SumMPI_dv(), PhysList::Sz, PhysList::Sz2, and DefineList::Tpow.

Referenced by expec_energy_flct().

33  {
34  long int j;
35  long int isite1;
36  long int is1_up_a, is1_up_b;
37  long int is1_down_a, is1_down_b;
38  int bit_up, bit_down, bit_D, istate, mythread;
39  long int ibit_up, ibit_down, ibit_D;
40  double D, N, Sz;
41  double *tmp_v02;
42  long int i_max;
43  int l_ibit1, u_ibit1, i_32;
44  double **doublon_t, **doublon2_t, **num_t, **num2_t, **Sz_t, **Sz2_t;
46  i_max = X->Check.idim_max;
47  doublon_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
48  doublon2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
49  num_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
50  num2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
51  Sz_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
52  Sz2_t = d_2d_allocate(nthreads, nstate);
53  i_32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; //2^32 - 1
55  //[s] for bit count
56  is1_up_a = 0;
57  is1_up_b = 0;
58  is1_down_a = 0;
59  is1_down_b = 0;
60  for (isite1 = 1; isite1 <= X->Def.NsiteMPI; isite1++) {
61  if (isite1 > X->Def.Nsite) {
62  is1_up_a += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 2];
63  is1_down_a += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 1];
64  }
65  else {
66  is1_up_b += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 2];
67  is1_down_b += X->Def.Tpow[2 * isite1 - 1];
68  }
69  }
70  //[e]
71 #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
72 shared(tmp_v0,list_1,doublon_t,doublon2_t,num_t,num2_t,Sz_t,Sz2_t,nstate) \
73 firstprivate(i_max,X,myrank,is1_up_a,is1_down_a,is1_up_b,is1_down_b,i_32) \
74 private(j,tmp_v02,D,N,Sz,isite1,bit_up,bit_down,bit_D,u_ibit1,l_ibit1, \
75  ibit_up,ibit_down,ibit_D,mythread,istate)
76  {
77  tmp_v02 = d_1d_allocate(nstate);
78 #ifdef _OPENMP
79  mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
80 #else
81  mythread = 0;
82 #endif
83 #pragma omp for
84  for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++) {
85  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++)
86  tmp_v02[istate] = real(conj(tmp_v0[j][istate]) * tmp_v0[j][istate]);
87  bit_up = 0;
88  bit_down = 0;
89  bit_D = 0;
90  // isite1 > X->Def.Nsite
91  ibit_up = (long int) myrank & is1_up_a;
92  u_ibit1 = ibit_up >> 32;
93  l_ibit1 = ibit_up & i_32;
94  bit_up += pop(u_ibit1);
95  bit_up += pop(l_ibit1);
97  ibit_down = (long int) myrank & is1_down_a;
98  u_ibit1 = ibit_down >> 32;
99  l_ibit1 = ibit_down & i_32;
100  bit_down += pop(u_ibit1);
101  bit_down += pop(l_ibit1);
103  ibit_D = (ibit_up) & (ibit_down >> 1);
104  u_ibit1 = ibit_D >> 32;
105  l_ibit1 = ibit_D & i_32;
106  bit_D += pop(u_ibit1);
107  bit_D += pop(l_ibit1);
109  // isite1 <= X->Def.Nsite
110  ibit_up = (long int) (j - 1) & is1_up_b;
111  u_ibit1 = ibit_up >> 32;
112  l_ibit1 = ibit_up & i_32;
113  bit_up += pop(u_ibit1);
114  bit_up += pop(l_ibit1);
116  ibit_down = (long int) (j - 1) & is1_down_b;
117  u_ibit1 = ibit_down >> 32;
118  l_ibit1 = ibit_down & i_32;
119  bit_down += pop(u_ibit1);
120  bit_down += pop(l_ibit1);
122  ibit_D = (ibit_up) & (ibit_down >> 1);
123  u_ibit1 = ibit_D >> 32;
124  l_ibit1 = ibit_D & i_32;
125  bit_D += pop(u_ibit1);
126  bit_D += pop(l_ibit1);
128  D = bit_D;
129  N = bit_up + bit_down;
130  Sz = bit_up - bit_down;
132  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
133  doublon_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * D;
134  doublon2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * D * D;
135  num_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * N;
136  num2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * N * N;
137  Sz_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz;
138  Sz2_t[mythread][istate] += tmp_v02[istate] * Sz * Sz;
139  }
140  }/*for (j = 1; j <= i_max; j++)*/
141  free_d_1d_allocate(tmp_v02);
142  }/*end of parallel region*/
144  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
145  X->Phys.doublon[istate] = 0.0;
146  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] = 0.0;
147  X->Phys.num[istate] = 0.0;
148  X->Phys.num2[istate] = 0.0;
149  X->Phys.Sz[istate] = 0.0;
150  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] = 0.0;
151  for (mythread = 0; mythread < nthreads; mythread++) {
152  X->Phys.doublon[istate] += doublon_t[mythread][istate];
153  X->Phys.doublon2[istate] += doublon2_t[mythread][istate];
154  X->Phys.num[istate] += num_t[mythread][istate];
155  X->Phys.num2[istate] += num2_t[mythread][istate];
156  X->Phys.Sz[istate] += Sz_t[mythread][istate];
157  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] += Sz2_t[mythread][istate];
158  }
159  }
160  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.doublon);
161  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.doublon2);
162  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.num);
163  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.num2);
164  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz);
165  SumMPI_dv(nstate, X->Phys.Sz2);
167  for (istate = 0; istate < nstate; istate++) {
168  X->Phys.Sz[istate] *= 0.5;
169  X->Phys.Sz2[istate] *= 0.25;
170  X->Phys.num_up[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] + X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
171  X->Phys.num_down[istate] = 0.5*(X->Phys.num[istate] - X->Phys.Sz[istate]);
172  }
174  free_d_2d_allocate(doublon_t);
175  free_d_2d_allocate(doublon2_t);
176  free_d_2d_allocate(num_t);
177  free_d_2d_allocate(num2_t);
178  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz_t);
179  free_d_2d_allocate(Sz2_t);
180  return 0;
181 }
double * doublon
Expectation value of the Doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:357
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
double * num_down
Expectation value of the number of down-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:364
int pop(int x)
calculating number of 1-bits in x (32 bit) This method is introduced in S.H. Warren, Hacker’s Delight, second ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0321842685, 2012.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:491
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double * num2
Expectation value of the quare of the number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:360
struct PhysList Phys
Physical quantities.
Definition: struct.hpp:398
double * Sz2
Expectation value of the Square of total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:362
double * Sz
Expectation value of the Total Sz.
Definition: struct.hpp:361
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
double * num
Expectation value of the Number of electrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:359
int nthreads
Number of Threads, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:74
int myrank
Process ID, defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:73
void SumMPI_dv(int nnorm, double *norm)
MPI wrapper function to obtain sum of Double array across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:238
double * doublon2
Expectation value of the Square of doublon.
Definition: struct.hpp:358
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
double * num_up
Expectation value of the number of up-spin electtrons.
Definition: struct.hpp:363
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305