HPhi++  3.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* HPhi - Quantum Lattice Model Simulator */
2 /* Copyright (C) 2015 The University of Tokyo */
4 /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */
5 /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
6 /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or */
7 /* (at your option) any later version. */
9 /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
10 /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
12 /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
14 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
15 /* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
17 #include "bitcalc.hpp"
18 #include "sz.hpp"
19 #include "FileIO.hpp"
20 #include "common/setmemory.hpp"
21 #include "check.hpp"
22 #include "wrapperMPI.hpp"
23 #include "CheckMPI.hpp"
51 int check(struct BindStruct *X){
53  FILE *fp;
54  long int i,tmp_sdim;
55  int NLocSpn, NCond;
56  int Nup, Ndown;
57  long int u_tmp;
58  long int tmp;
59  long int Ns,comb_1,comb_2,comb_3,comb_sum, comb_up, comb_down;
60  int u_loc;
61  long int **comb;
62  long int idimmax=0;
63  long int idim=0;
64  long int isite=0;
65  int tmp_sz=0;
66  int iMinup=0;
67  if(X->Def.iCalcModel ==Spin ||X->Def.iCalcModel ==SpinGC )
68  {
69  X->Def.Ne=X->Def.Nup;
70  }
72  int iAllup=X->Def.Ne;
74  if(X->Def.iFlgScaLAPACK == 0) {
75  /*
76  Set Site number per MPI process
77  */
78  if (CheckMPI(X) != TRUE) {
79  return MPIFALSE;
80  }
81  }
82  else{
83  X->Def.NsiteMPI = X->Def.Nsite;
84  X->Def.Total2SzMPI = X->Def.Total2Sz;
85  }
87  Ns = X->Def.Nsite;
89  comb = li_2d_allocate(Ns+1,Ns+1);
91  //idim_max
92  switch(X->Def.iCalcModel){
93  case HubbardGC:
94  //comb_sum = 2^(2*Ns)=4^Ns
95  comb_sum = 1;
96  for(i=0;i<2*X->Def.Nsite;i++){
97  comb_sum= 2*comb_sum;
98  }
99  break;
100  case SpinGC:
101  //comb_sum = 2^(Ns)
102  comb_sum = 1;
103  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin ==FALSE){
104  for(i=0;i<X->Def.Nsite;i++){
105  comb_sum= 2*comb_sum;
106  }
107  }
108  else{
109  for(i=0; i<X->Def.Nsite;i++){
110  comb_sum=comb_sum*X->Def.SiteToBit[i];
111  }
112  }
113  break;
115  case Hubbard:
116  comb_up= Binomial(Ns, X->Def.Nup, comb, Ns);
117  comb_down= Binomial(Ns, X->Def.Ndown, comb, Ns);
118  comb_sum=comb_up*comb_down;
119  break;
121  case HubbardNConserved:
122  comb_sum=0;
123  if(X->Def.Ne > X->Def.Nsite){
124  iMinup = X->Def.Ne-X->Def.Nsite;
125  iAllup = X->Def.Nsite;
126  }
128  for(i=iMinup; i<= iAllup; i++){
129  comb_up= Binomial(Ns, i, comb, Ns);
130  comb_down= Binomial(Ns, X->Def.Ne-i, comb, Ns);
131  comb_sum +=comb_up*comb_down;
132  }
133  break;
135  case Kondo:
136  Nup = X->Def.Nup;
137  Ndown = X->Def.Ndown;
138  NCond = X->Def.Nsite-X->Def.NLocSpn;
139  NLocSpn = X->Def.NLocSpn;
140  comb_sum = 0;
141  for(u_loc=0;u_loc<=X->Def.Nup;u_loc++){
142  comb_1 = Binomial(NLocSpn,u_loc,comb,Ns);
143  comb_2 = Binomial(NCond,Nup-u_loc,comb,Ns);
144  comb_3 = Binomial(NCond,Ndown+u_loc-NLocSpn,comb,Ns);
145  comb_sum += comb_1*comb_2*comb_3;
146  }
147  break;
148  case KondoGC:
149  comb_sum = 1;
150  NCond = X->Def.Nsite-X->Def.NLocSpn;
151  NLocSpn = X->Def.NLocSpn;
152  //4^Nc*2^Ns
153  for(u_loc=0;u_loc <(2*NCond+NLocSpn); u_loc++){
154  comb_sum= 2*comb_sum;
155  }
156  break;
157  case Spin:
159  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin ==FALSE){
160  if(X->Def.Nup+X->Def.Ndown != X->Def.Nsite){
161  fprintf(stderr, " 2Sz is incorrect.\n");
162  return FALSE;
163  }
164  //comb_sum= Binomial(Ns, X->Def.Ne, comb, Ns);
165  comb_sum= Binomial(Ns, X->Def.Nup, comb, Ns);
166  }
167  else{
168  idimmax = 1;
169  X->Def.Tpow[0]=idimmax;
170  for(isite=0; isite<X->Def.Nsite;isite++){
171  idimmax=idimmax*X->Def.SiteToBit[isite];
172  X->Def.Tpow[isite+1]=idimmax;
173  }
174  comb_sum=0;
175 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) reduction(+:comb_sum) private(tmp_sz, isite) firstprivate(idimmax, X)
176  for(idim=0; idim<idimmax; idim++){
177  tmp_sz=0;
178  for(isite=0; isite<X->Def.Nsite;isite++){
179  tmp_sz += GetLocal2Sz(isite+1,idim, X->Def.SiteToBit, X->Def.Tpow );
180  }
181  if(tmp_sz == X->Def.Total2Sz){
182  comb_sum +=1;
183  }
184  }
186  }
188  break;
189  default:
190  fprintf(stderr, "Error: CalcModel %d is incorrect.\n", X->Def.iCalcModel);
191  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
192  return FALSE;
193  }
195  //fprintf(stdoutMPI, "Debug: comb_sum= %ld \n",comb_sum);
197  X->Check.idim_max = comb_sum;
198  switch(X->Def.iCalcType) {
199  case CG:
200  switch (X->Def.iCalcModel) {
201  case Hubbard:
202  case HubbardNConserved:
203  case Kondo:
204  case KondoGC:
205  case Spin:
206  X->Check.max_mem = (7 * X->Def.k_exct + 1.5) * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
207  break;
208  case HubbardGC:
209  case SpinGC:
210  X->Check.max_mem = (7 * X->Def.k_exct + 1.0) * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
211  break;
212  }
213  break;
214  case TPQCalc:
215  switch (X->Def.iCalcModel) {
216  case Hubbard:
217  case HubbardNConserved:
218  case Kondo:
219  case KondoGC:
220  case Spin:
221  if (X->Def.iFlgCalcSpec != CALCSPEC_NOT) {
222  X->Check.max_mem = NumAve * 3 * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
223  } else {
224  X->Check.max_mem = 4.5 * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
225  }
226  break;
227  case HubbardGC:
228  case SpinGC:
229  if (X->Def.iFlgCalcSpec != CALCSPEC_NOT) {
230  X->Check.max_mem = NumAve * 3 * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
231  } else {
232  X->Check.max_mem = 3.5 * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
233  }
234  break;
235  }
236  break;
237  case FullDiag:
238  X->Check.max_mem = X->Check.idim_max * 8.0 * X->Check.idim_max * 8.0 / (pow(10, 9));
239  break;
240  case TimeEvolution:
241  X->Check.max_mem = (4 + 2 + 1) * X->Check.idim_max * 16.0 / (pow(10, 9));
242  break;
243  default:
244  return FALSE;
245  //break;
246  }
248  //fprintf(stdoutMPI, " MAX DIMENSION idim_max=%ld \n",X->Check.idim_max);
249  //fprintf(stdoutMPI, " APPROXIMATE REQUIRED MEMORY max_mem=%lf GB \n",X->Check.max_mem);
250  long int li_dim_max=MaxMPI_li(X->Check.idim_max);
251  fprintf(stdoutMPI, " MAX DIMENSION idim_max=%ld \n",li_dim_max);
252  double dmax_mem=MaxMPI_d(X->Check.max_mem);
253  fprintf(stdoutMPI, " APPROXIMATE REQUIRED MEMORY max_mem=%lf GB \n",dmax_mem);
254  if(childfopenMPI("CHECK_Memory.dat","w", &fp)!=0){
255  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
256  return FALSE;
257  }
258  fprintf(fp," MAX DIMENSION idim_max=%ld \n", li_dim_max);
259  fprintf(fp," APPROXIMATE REQUIRED MEMORY max_mem=%lf GB \n", dmax_mem);
262  /*
263  fprintf(fp," MAX DIMENSION idim_max=%ld \n",X->Check.idim_max);
264  fprintf(fp," APPROXIMATE REQUIRED MEMORY max_mem=%lf GB \n",X->Check.max_mem);
265  */
266  fclose(fp);
268  //sdim
269  tmp=1;
270  tmp_sdim=1;
272  switch(X->Def.iCalcModel){
273  case HubbardGC:
274  case KondoGC:
275  case HubbardNConserved:
276  case Hubbard:
277  case Kondo:
278  while(tmp <= X->Def.Nsite){
279  tmp_sdim=tmp_sdim*2;
280  tmp+=1;
281  }
282  break;
283  case Spin:
284  case SpinGC:
285  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin==FALSE){
286  while(tmp <= X->Def.Nsite/2){
287  tmp_sdim=tmp_sdim*2;
288  tmp+=1;
289  }
290  }
291  else{
292  GetSplitBitForGeneralSpin(X->Def.Nsite, &tmp_sdim, X->Def.SiteToBit);
293  }
294  break;
295  default:
296  fprintf(stdoutMPI, "Error: CalcModel %d is incorrect.\n", X->Def.iCalcModel);
297  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
298  return FALSE;
299  }
300  X->Check.sdim=tmp_sdim;
302  if(childfopenMPI("CHECK_Sdim.dat","w", &fp)!=0){
303  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
304  return FALSE;
305  }
307  switch(X->Def.iCalcModel){
308  case HubbardGC:
309  case KondoGC:
310  case HubbardNConserved:
311  case Hubbard:
312  case Kondo:
313  //fprintf(stdoutMPI, "sdim=%ld =2^%d\n",X->Check.sdim,X->Def.Nsite);
314  fprintf(fp,"sdim=%ld =2^%d\n",X->Check.sdim,X->Def.Nsite);
315  break;
316  case Spin:
317  case SpinGC:
318  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin==FALSE){
319  //fprintf(stdoutMPI, "sdim=%ld =2^%d\n",X->Check.sdim,X->Def.Nsite/2);
320  fprintf(fp,"sdim=%ld =2^%d\n",X->Check.sdim,X->Def.Nsite/2);
321  }
322  break;
323  default:
324  break;
325  }
327  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
329  u_tmp=1;
330  X->Def.Tpow[0]=u_tmp;
331  switch(X->Def.iCalcModel){
332  case HubbardGC:
333  case KondoGC:
334  for(i=1;i<=2*X->Def.Nsite;i++){
335  u_tmp=u_tmp*2;
336  X->Def.Tpow[i]=u_tmp;
337  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,u_tmp);
338  }
339  break;
340  case HubbardNConserved:
341  case Hubbard:
342  case Kondo:
343  for(i=1;i<=2*X->Def.Nsite-1;i++){
344  u_tmp=u_tmp*2;
345  X->Def.Tpow[i]=u_tmp;
346  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,u_tmp);
347  }
348  break;
349  case SpinGC:
350  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin==FALSE){
351  for(i=1;i<=X->Def.Nsite;i++){
352  u_tmp=u_tmp*2;
353  X->Def.Tpow[i]=u_tmp;
354  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,u_tmp);
355  }
356  }
357  else{
358  X->Def.Tpow[0]=u_tmp;
359  fprintf(fp,"%d %ld \n", 0, u_tmp);
360  for(i=1;i<X->Def.Nsite;i++){
361  u_tmp=u_tmp*X->Def.SiteToBit[i-1];
362  X->Def.Tpow[i]=u_tmp;
363  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,u_tmp);
364  }
365  }
366  break;
367  case Spin:
368  if(X->Def.iFlgGeneralSpin==FALSE){
369  for(i=1;i<=X->Def.Nsite-1;i++){
370  u_tmp=u_tmp*2;
371  X->Def.Tpow[i]=u_tmp;
372  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,u_tmp);
373  }
374  }
375  else{
376  for(i=0;i<X->Def.Nsite;i++){
377  fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld \n",i,X->Def.Tpow[i]);
378  }
379  }
380  break;
381  default:
382  fprintf(stdoutMPI, "Error: CalcModel %d is incorrect.\n", X->Def.iCalcModel);
383  free_li_2d_allocate(comb);
384  return FALSE;
385  }
386  fclose(fp);
387  /*
388  Print MPI-site information and Modify Tpow
389  in the inter process region.
390  */
391  CheckMPI_Summary(X);
393  return TRUE;
394 }
long int Binomial(int n, int k, long int **comb, int Nsite)
Definition: sz.cpp:178
int Nup
Number of spin-up electrons in this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:58
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
Definition: struct.hpp:395
FILE * stdoutMPI
File pointer to the standard output defined in InitializeMPI()
Definition: global.cpp:75
int NumAve
Definition: global.cpp:43
int Total2Sz
Total in this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:69
int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
Definition: struct.hpp:56
double MaxMPI_d(double dvalue)
MPI wrapper function to obtain maximum Double across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:188
long int MaxMPI_li(long int idim)
MPI wrapper function to obtain maximum unsigned long integer across processes.
Definition: wrapperMPI.cpp:171
int iFlgScaLAPACK
ScaLAPACK mode ( only for FullDiag )
Definition: struct.hpp:237
int CheckMPI(struct BindStruct *X)
Define the number of sites in each PE (DefineList.Nsite). Reduce the number of electrons (DefineList...
Definition: CheckMPI.cpp:27
int NsiteMPI
Total number of sites, differ from DefineList::Nsite.
Definition: struct.hpp:57
int Ne
Number of electrons in this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:71
Definition: struct.hpp:394
int GetSplitBitForGeneralSpin(const int Nsite, long int *ihfbit, const long int *SiteToBit)
function of getting right, left and half bits corresponding to a original space.
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:124
int GetLocal2Sz(const int isite, const long int org_bit, const long int *SiteToBit, const long int *Tpow)
get 2sz at a site for general spin
Definition: bitcalc.cpp:448
int iFlgGeneralSpin
Flag for the general (Sz/=1/2) spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:86
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
Definition: struct.hpp:94
long int * Tpow
[2 * DefineList::NsiteMPI] malloc in setmem_def().
Definition: struct.hpp:90
int check(struct BindStruct *X)
A program to check size of dimension for Hilbert-space.
Definition: check.cpp:51
int iCalcModel
Switch for model. 0:Hubbard, 1:Spin, 2:Kondo, 3:HubbardGC, 4:SpinGC, 5:KondoGC, 6:HubbardNConserved.
Definition: struct.hpp:200
int iFlgCalcSpec
Input parameter CalcSpec in teh CalcMod file.
Definition: struct.hpp:218
double max_mem
Estimated memory size.
Definition: struct.hpp:310
int k_exct
Read from Calcmod in readdef.h.
Definition: struct.hpp:47
int Ndown
Number of spin-down electrons in this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:59
int NLocSpn
Number of local spins.
Definition: struct.hpp:84
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.
Definition: struct.hpp:396
long int sdim
Dimension for Ogata-Lin ???
Definition: struct.hpp:309
void CheckMPI_Summary(struct BindStruct *X)
Print infomation of MPI parallelization Modify Definelist::Tpow in the inter process region...
Definition: CheckMPI.cpp:323
long int idim_max
The dimension of the Hilbert space of this process.
Definition: struct.hpp:305
int Total2SzMPI
Total across processes.
Definition: struct.hpp:70
int iCalcType
Switch for calculation type. 0:Lanczos, 1:TPQCalc, 2:FullDiag.
Definition: struct.hpp:194
int childfopenMPI(const char *_cPathChild, const char *_cmode, FILE **_fp)
Only the root process open file in output/ directory.
Definition: FileIO.cpp:27