You can call a subroutine in this library as follows:
USE libtetrabz, ONLY : libtetrabz_occ
CALL libtetrabz_occ(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig,ngw,wght)
Every subroutine has a name starts from libtetrabz_
For the C program, it can be used as follows:
#include "libtetrabz.h"
Variables should be passed as pointers. Arrays should be declared as one dimensional arrays. Also, the communicator argument for the routine should be transformed from the C/C++’s one to the fortran’s one as follows.
comm_f = MPI_Comm_c2f(comm_c);
Total energy, charge density, occupations¶
CALL libtetrabz_occ(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig,ngw,wght,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ).
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Fermi energy and occupations¶
CALL libtetrabz_fermieng(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig,ngw,wght,ef,nelec,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ).
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: efThe Fermi energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: nelecThe number of (valence) electrons per spin.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Partial density of states¶
CALL libtetrabz_dos(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig,ngw,wght,ne,e0,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ).
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(ne,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: neThe number of energy where DOS is calculated.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: e0(ne)Energies where DOS is calculated.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Integrated density of states¶
CALL libtetrabz_intdos(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig,ngw,wght,ne,e0,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ).
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(ne,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: neThe number of energy where DOS is calculated.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: e0(ne)Energies where DOS is calculated.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Nesting function and Fröhlich parameter¶
CALL libtetrabz_dbldelta(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig1,eig2,ngw,wght,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig1(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ). Do the same with
.REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig2(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))Another orbital energy. E.g. \(\varepsilon_{k + q}\) on a shifted grid.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(nb,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
A part of DFPT calculation¶
CALL libtetrabz_dblstep(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig1,eig2,ngw,wght,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig1(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ). Do the same with
.REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig2(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))Another orbital energy. E.g. \(\varepsilon_{k + q}\) on a shifted grid.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(nb,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Static polarization function¶
CALL libtetrabz_polstat(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig1,eig2,ngw,wght,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig1(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ). Do the same with
.REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig2(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))Another orbital energy. E.g. \(\varepsilon_{k + q}\) on a shifted grid.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(nb,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Phonon linewidth¶
CALL libtetrabz_fermigr(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig1,eig2,ngw,wght,ne,e0,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig1(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ). Do the same with
.REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig2(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))Another orbital energy. E.g. \(\varepsilon_{k + q}\) on a shifted grid.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(ne,nb,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: neThe number of branches of the phonon.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: e0(ne)Phonon frequencies.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.
Polarization function (complex frequency)¶
CALL libtetrabz_polcmplx(ltetra,bvec,nb,nge,eig1,eig2,ngw,wght,ne,e0,comm)
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ltetraSpecify the type of the tetrahedron method. 1 \(\cdots\) the linear tetrahedron method. 2 \(\cdots\) the optimized tetrahedron method [1].
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: bvec(3,3)Reciprocal lattice vectors (arbitrary unit). Because they are used to choose the direction of tetrahedra, only their ratio is used.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nbThe number of bands.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nge(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for input orbital energy.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig1(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))The orbital energy measured from the Fermi energy ( \(\varepsilon_{\rm F} = 0\) ). Do the same with
.REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: eig2(nb,nge(1),nge(2),nge(3))Another orbital energy. E.g. \(\varepsilon_{k + q}\) on a shifted grid.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngw(3)Specify the \(k\)-grid for output integration weights. You can make
(See Appendix).COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: wght(ne,nb,nb,ngw(1),ngw(2),ngw(3))The integration weights.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: neThe number of imaginary frequencies where polarization functions are calculated.
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: e0(ne)Complex frequencies where polarization functions are calculated.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: commOptional argument. Communicators for MPI such as
. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler without MPI, just passNULL
to omit this argment.