29 character(256) :: elem
35 & elem, & !< Element name
36 & ps_file !< Pseudopotential file name
38 & zion, & !< Ion charge
39 & zatom !< Nuclear charge
41 & mmax !< Number of radial grid for PseudoPot.
42 real(8),
allocatable :: &
43 & psr(:), & !< Radial grid [Bohr]
44 & psV(:) !< V_ps [Htr]
48 & nat, & !< Number of atoms
49 & ntyp !< Number of species (elements)
51 & Vcell, & !< Unit cell volume [Bohr^3]
52 & nelec, & !< Number of electrons per u.c.
53 & avec(3,3), & !< Unit lattice vector [Bohr]
54 & bvec(3,3) !< Unit reciplocal lattice vector [Bohr^-1]
55 type(
save :: &
56 & atm(:) !< (nat) Atom
58 & spec(:) !< (ntyp) Species