Setting of wave-number grid and band range

In the calculation with this package, there are many kind of the wave-number grid and the band range; It may confuse us. In this chapter, the relation and the difference between them are described.

Range of bands

The relation of magnitude of these bands becomes as follows:

1 \(\leq\) fbee \(\leq\) elph_nbnd_min \(\leq\) fbfs \(\leq\) lbfs \(\leq\) elph_nbnd_max \(\approx\) nbnd(scf) \(\leq\) lbee \(\leq\) nbnd(\(K^{el}\))

Wave-number grid

The relation of these \({\bf k}\) grid becomes as follows:

\(N_{\bf q} \leq N_{\bf k}^{\rm smooth} \leq N_{\bf k}^{\rm dense}\)