2.2. Installation

You can download HPhi++ at the following location.


You can obtain the HPhi++ directory by typing

$ tar xzvf HPhi-xxx.tar.gz

HPhi++ can be installed by using cmake.


Before using cmake for sekirei, you must type
source /home/issp/materiapps/tool/env.sh

We can compile HPhi++ as:

cd $HOME/build/hphi
cmake -DCONFIG=gcc $PathTohphi

To use ScaLAPACK library for full diagonalization, the cmake option -DUSE_SCALAPACK=ON is needed. Here, we set a path to HPhi++ as $PathTohphi and to a build directory as $HOME/build/hphi. After compilation, src folder is constructed below a $HOME/build/hphi folder and we obtain an executable HPhi in src/ directory. When no MPI library exists in the system, an executable HPhi is automatically compiled without an MPI library.

In the above example, we compile HPhi++ by using a gcc compiler. We can select a compiler by using the following options:

  • sekirei : ISSP system-B “sekirei”
  • sekirei_acc: ISSP system-B “sekirei” (for using MAGMA library)
  • fujitsu : Fujitsu compiler
  • intel : Intel compiler + Linux PC
  • gcc : GCC compiler + Linux PC.

An example of compiling HPhi++ by using the Intel compiler is shown as follows:

mkdir ./build
cd ./build
cmake -DCONFIG=intel ../

After compilation, src folder is created below the build folder and an execute HPhi++ in the src folder. Please note that we must delete the build folder and repeat the above operations when we change the compiler.