4.3.12. energy.dat

(For the Lanczos method) The values of the energy, doublon, and \(\langle S_z \rangle\) calculated by using the eigenvector obtained by the Lanczos or CG method are outputted. An example of the file format is as follows.
For method="Lanczos"
Energy  -7.1043675920
Doublon  0.4164356536
Sz  0.0000000000

For method="CG"

State 0
  Energy  -7.1043675920
  Doublon  0.4164356536
  Sz  0.0000000000

State 1

File name

  • ##_energy.dat

## indicates a header defined by [string02] in a ModPara file.

File format

  • Line 1: Energy [double01]
  • Line 2: Doublon [double02]
  • Line 3: Sz [double02].


  • [double01]

    Type : Double

    Description : The value of the energy calculated by the eigenvetor obtained by the Lanczos or CG method.

  • [double02]

    Type : Double

    Description : The value of the doublon calculated by the eigenvetor obtained by the Lanczos or CG method, \(\frac{1}{N_s} \sum_{i}\langle n_{i\uparrow}n_{i\downarrow}\rangle\) (\(N_s\) is the total number of sites).

  • [double03]

    Type : Double

    Description : The value of \(S_z\) calculated by the eigenvetor obtained by the Lanczos or CG method.