4.3.4. CHECK_Hund.dat

This file is outputted to check the input of the Hund couplings \(J_{ij}^{\rm Hund}\),

\[\mathcal H += -\sum_{i,j}J_{ij}^{\rm Hund} (n_{i\uparrow}n_{j\uparrow}+n_{i\downarrow}n_{j\downarrow}).\]

An example of the file format is as follows.

i=0 isite1=1 isite2=2 tmp_V=0.250000
i=1 isite1=2 isite2=3 tmp_V=0.250000
i=2 isite1=3 isite2=4 tmp_V=0.250000
i=3 isite1=4 isite2=5 tmp_V=0.250000
i=4 isite1=5 isite2=6 tmp_V=0.250000
i=5 isite1=6 isite2=1 tmp_V=0.250000

File format

  • i=[int01] isite1=[int02] isite2=[int03] tmp_V=[double01]


  • [int01]

    Type : Int

    Description : The counted number of inputting terms.

  • [int02], [int03]

    Type : Int

    Description : An integer for showing the site index of \(J_{ij}^{\rm Hund}\).
    [int02] and [int03] correspond to \(i\) and \(j\), respectively.
  • [double01]

    Type : Double

    Description : A value for \(J_{ij}^{\rm Hund}\).