HPhi++  3.1.0
Coding rule
  • Do not use TAB character. Use two spaces as an indent.
  • Use default(none) for scoping of OpenMP-parallel region. E.g.
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(idim) shared(wave,i_max,ie)
    for (idim = 1; idim <= i_max; idim++) wave[idim][ie] = 0.0;
  • Variable declared with const must not be included in firstprivate of OpenMP scoping. Use shared.
  • For MPI parallelization, use the following functions for I/O and abortation:
  • When you add new features into HPhi, please run make test, and check whether other features still work fine. Also, try make test MPIRUN="mpiexec -np 4" to check MPI feature.